
Secondary Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

# Meaning of Secondary Groups A secondary group is impersonal and goal oriented and for only limited parts of their personalities. For example, a shopkeeper-customer relation, a doctor-patient relation, an advocate-client relation and teacher-student relation and so on are the instances of secondary group. # Definition of Secondary Groups 1.  According to Charles Horton Cooley :- "A group that is characterized by impersonal, indirect, and often formal relationships, lacking the intimacy and emotional depth of primary groups." 2.  According to George Herbert Mead :- "A group that is formed for a specific purpose or goal, where individuals interact on the basis of shared interests or tasks." 3.  According to Emile Durkheim :- "A group that is characterized by organic solidarity, where individuals are united by shared interests and interdependence." 4.  According to Max Weber :- "A group that is based on rational ties, where individuals are united by

Primary Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

# Meaning of Primary Groups A primary group is made up of people who are emotionally close, known each other well and seeks each other’s company. People participate in primary groups throughout their roles. A primary group is a small, intimate group of people who share a sense of belonging, identity, and closeness. For example, family, neighborhood, close friends, relatives, etc. are the instances of primary group. # Definition of Primary Groups 1. According to Charles Horton Cooley :- "A small, intimate group characterized by face-to-face interaction, mutual understanding, and a sense of belonging." 2.  According to George Herbert Mead :- "A group that provides the individual with a sense of identity, self-concept, and social orientation." 3.  According to Robert K. Merton :- "A group that provides emotional support, socialization, and a sense of belonging." 4.  According to Emile Durkheim :- "A group that is characterized by mechanical solidari

Reference Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

# Meaning of Reference Groups The term reference group was coined by Herbert Hyman in 1942.  A reference group is a collection of people that we use as a standard of comparison for ourselves regardless of whether we are part of that group.  A reference group is a social group that an individual uses as a standard of comparison or point of reference in making evaluations and decisions. Reference groups can be primary or secondary groups, and they can be formal or informal. # Definition of Reference Groups 1.  According to Herbert Hyman :- “Reference group is a group to which an individual relates himself or aspires to relate himself psychologically.” 2.  According to Johnson :- “A reference group is based on the psychological association of a person or group to other group.” 3.  According to Tamotsu Shibutani :- “A reference group that group whose outlook is used by the actor as a frame of reference in the organization of his perceptual field.” 4.  According to Robert K. Merton :- &qu

Pseudo-social Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

# Meaning of Pseudo-social Groups A pseudo-social group refers to a group of individuals who interact with each other, but lack a genuine sense of community, shared identity, or meaningful relationships.  Pseudo-social groups often exhibit superficial characteristics of a social group, but lack the depth and authenticity of true social connections.  Pseudo-social groups can exist in various contexts, including social media, workplaces, or social clubs. # Definition of Pseudo-social Groups 1.  According to Max Weber :- "A group that mimics social solidarity and shared identity but lacks genuine collective consciousness and shared values." 2.  According to George Herbert Mead :- "A group that presents a superficial appearance of social unity and cooperation but lacks authentic collective behavior."   # Characteristics of Pseudo-social Groups 1.  Superficial relationships :- Members interact with each other, but their relationships are shallow and lack emotional dep

Pro-social Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

# Meaning of Pro-social Groups A pro-social group is a group of individuals who share a common goal or interest in promoting the well-being and betterment of society. Pro-social groups are characterized by their positive and supportive behavior towards others, and their actions are often guided by a sense of social responsibility and empathy. For example, all the governmental and non-governmental welfare organizations. # Definition of Pro-social Groups 1.  According to Emile Durkheim :- "A group that reinforces social solidarity, shared values, and collective consciousness, promoting social cohesion and integration." 2.  According to Max Weber :- "A group that supports and upholds social order, often driven by shared interests, values, and beliefs." 3.  According to George Herbert Mead :- "A group that develops a shared sense of self and collective identity, promoting social cooperation and mutual support." 4.  According to Robert K. Merton :- "A

Anti-social Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

# Meaning of Anti-social Groups An anti-social group refers to a group of individuals who reject or oppose the conventional social norms, values, and expectations of society. They may engage in behaviors or activities that are considered harmful, disruptive, or illegal by mainstream society.  For example, terrorist groups, criminals, thieves, murderers, anti-government or anarchist group and so on are the instances of anti-social groups. # Definition of Anti-social Groups 1.  According to Emile Durkheim :- "A group that rejects and undermines social norms, values, and institutions, often characterized by anomie and disintegration." 2.  According to Max Weber :- "A group that actively opposes and challenges social order, often driven by charismatic leadership and ideological conviction." 3.  According to George Herbert Mead :- "A group that develops a shared identity and collective behavior that is in opposition to societal norms and expectations." 4  Ac

Un-social Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

# Meaning of Un-social Groups An un-social group refers to a collection of individuals who do not interact or associate with each other in a social manner.   They do not participate in the society and remains alone. This can be due to various reasons such as lack of common interests or goals, different values or beliefs, conflicting personalities or behaviors, geographical or cultural barriers and intentional exclusion or isolation. For example, Strangers in a public place, people from different cultural or linguistic backgrounds who don't interact, individuals with conflicting interests or agendas, those who intentionally avoid social interactions (e.g., hermits) and online forums or social media groups with no active engagement or discussion are the instances of un-social groups. # Definition of Un-social Groups 1.  According to Emile Durkheim :- "A group that lacks social solidarity, shared values, and collective consciousness, often characterized by anomie and disintegrat

Delegate Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

# Delegate Groups A delegate group is a type of group where members are chosen or appointed to represent a larger body or organization. In other words, delegate groups are composed of individuals who are selected to act on behalf of a larger group or entity. For example, Parliament is a deliberate group as it presents the wishes and need of the public. # Definition of Delegate Groups 1.  According to Max Weber :- "A group that is authorized to act on behalf of a larger group or organization, often with formal powers and responsibilities." 2.  According to Talcott Parsons :- "A group that is entrusted with the authority to make decisions and take actions on behalf of a larger group or organization." 3.  According to Richard T. LaPiere :- "A group that is designated to represent the interests of a larger group or organization, often with emergent norms and expectations." 4.  According to Robert K. Merton :- "A group that is designated to represent

Voluntary Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

#   Voluntary Group A voluntary group is a type of social group where membership is chosen by the individual, and they have the freedom to join or leave the group as they wish.  In other words, members voluntarily participate and are not forced or coerced into joining or staying in the group.   For example, you can join people watching a game in the playground, you can become a student in a college, you can join an organization and so on are the instances of voluntary group. # Definition of Voluntary Groups 1.  According to Max Weber :- "A group that individuals join freely, without coercion, to pursue shared interests or goals." 2.  According to George Herbert Mead :- "A group that emerges from the voluntary actions and interactions of individuals, who share common interests and purposes." 3.  According to Talcott Parsons :- "A group that is formed and maintained through the voluntary participation of its members, who share common values and goals." 4.