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MAA SHAKUMBHARI UNIVERSITY, SAHARANPUR, UTTAR PRADESH It is not an official website. It is intended to provide previous year question papers (PYQ) of Maa Shakumbhari University to the students. PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTION PAPERS (PYQ) SELECT COURSE B.A.LLB. B.Com.LL.B. LL.B. LL.M. SELECT SEMESTER (B.A.LL.B. SELECTED) SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 SEMESTER 5 ...
# Meaning of Caste The word caste derived from the Portuguese word 'Casta' which means 'species', 'race' or 'breed'. Caste is a system of social stratification. It involves ranking according to birth and determined one's occupation marriage and social relationships. There is a prescribed set of norms, values and sanction which govern social behavior within caste. Caste systems are separated group of people based on their ancestry. They often restrict people to certain professions or who they can marry based upon ancestral lines. In Bhagavad Geeta, it is clearly stated that castes shall be based on qualities and skills. However, in reality the castes are assigned according to birth. # Definition of Caste 1. According to Majumdar and Madan :- “Caste is a closed class.” 2. According to C.H. Cooley :- “When a class is somewhat strictly hereditary, we may call it a caste.” 3. According to Ketker :- “A caste is a group having two characteristics: (a) membe...
MAA SHAKUMBHARI UNIVERSITY, SAHARANPUR, UTTAR PRADESH It is not an official website. It is intended to provide previous year question papers (PYQ) of Maa Shakumbhari University to the students. PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTION PAPERS (PYQ) SELECT COURSE B.A.LL.B. B.Com.LL.B. LL.B. LL.M. SELECT SEMESTER (LL.B. SELECTED) SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6
# Meaning of Tribes The word ‘tribe’ is derived from the Latin word ‘tribus’ meaning ‘one third’. The word originally referred to one of the three territorial groups that united to form Rome. A tribe is a group of people who share a common religion, history, language or culture. Each tribe is unique and often will have own practices, many of which differ from other tribes. Tribes in India are called Janjati, Vanyajati, Vanavasi, Adimjati, Adivasi, etc. # Definition of Tribes 1. According to Majumdar :- “A tribe is a collection of families or groups of families bearing common name, members of which occupy the same territory, speak the same language and observe certain taboos regarding marriage, profession or occupation and have developed a well-established system of reciprocity and mutuality of obligations.” 2. According to Gillin :- “Any collection of pre-literate local group that occupies a common general territory, speaks a common language and practices a common cult...