
Showing posts with the label BALLB-2nd Sem Sociology

Social Movement- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics, Types and Factors

# Social Movement In a society a large number of changes have been brought about by efforts exerted by people individually and collectively. Such efforts have been called social movements. A social movement is defined as a collectively acting with some continuity to promote or resist a change in the society or group of which it is a part. A social movement may also be directed to resist a change. Some movements are directed to modify certain aspects of the existing social order whereas others may aim to change it completely. The former are called Reform movements and the latter are called Revolutionary movements. # Definition of Social Movements 1. According to Lundberg :- “Social movement as a voluntary association of people engaged in concerted efforts to change attitudes, behavior and social relationship in a larger society.” 2. According to Anderson & Parker :- “Social movement is a form of dynamic pluralistic behavior which progressively develops structure throughout time an

Casteism- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics, Factors, Impacts and Remedial Measures

# Meaning of Casteism Casteism is a blind group loyalty towards one’s own caste or sub caste which does not care for the interests of the other castes and their members. Casteism is partial or one-sided loyalty in favor of particular caste. The sense of caste is converted to casteism only when consideration of superiority between castes and the tendency to consider the interest of one’s own caste as opposed to the other castes are attached to it. # Definition of Casteism 1.  According to D.N. Prasad :- “Casteism is loyalty to the caste translated into politics.” 2. According to Kaka Kelkar :- “Casteism is an overriding blind and supreme group loyalty that ignores the healthy social standards of justice, fair play, equality and universal brotherhood.” # Characteristics of Casteism 1. C asteism ignores and does not care for the interest of other caste. It signifies blind caste or sub-caste loyalty. 2. It hinders the spirit of democracy. It is an anti-democratic. 3. Casteism ignores huma

Regionalism- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics, Factors and Remedial Measures

# Meaning of Regionalism The term regionalism has two connotations: First, In the negative sense it implies excessive state. Second, In the positive sense it is a political attribute associated with people’s love for their region, culture, language, etc. with a view to maintain their independent identity. Regionalism is a political ideology that focuses on the interests of a particular region, group of regions or other subnational entity. The region as a social system is the relation between different groups of people. Regionalism is the sense to affection and attachment for people belonging to one’s on region and hatred for those who belong to some other region Regionalism in India has assumed various forms and found in more than one way. Regionalism in this context is understood to mean as a feelings of the people and their love more for their own region than for the country as a whole. # Definition of Regionalism 1.  According to W.P. Scott :- “Regionalism is an approach to study th

Communalism- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics, Factors and Impacts

#  Communalism Communalism is a political philosophy, which proposes that market and money be abolished and that land and enterprises to be placed in the custody of community. But in the Indian subcontinent context, communalism has come to be associated with tensions and clashes between different religious communities in various religions. Problem that arises between the socio-religious relations of the people who belong to various minority communities on the one hand and the majority community on the other can be referred to as Communalism. It is important to note that Indian society was never homogeneous throughout history. It was a highly diverse religiously, culturally, caste-wise and linguistically but there was a hardly any tension between these groups. It all began with establishment of British rule in India and so most of the scholars agree that communalism is a modern phenomenon and not a medieval phenomenon. # Definition of Communalism 1.  According to Hussain Shaheen :- “If

Urbanization- Meaning, Definition, Factors or Causes and Effects

#  Urbanization It is derived from the Latin ‘Urbs’ a term used by the Roman to a city. Urbanization is the movement of population from rural to urban areas and the resulting increasing proportion of population that resides in urban rather than rural places. Urbanization refers to the process of increase in the number of people living in urban areas and the ways in which the population adapts to the change. Urbanization increases with industrialization. As urbanization increases, a number of towns and cities increases and people begin to live and work in central areas. Urbanization is a result of the historic transformation of human societies, where the rural culture is being replaced by urban culture. # Definition of Urbanization 1.  According to Louis Wirth :- “Urbanization is a process of extension or accentuation of the mode of life, characteristic of a city.” 2. According to J.C. Mitchell :- “Urbanization is the process of becoming urban, moving to cities, changing from agricultur

Difference between Sanskritization and Westernization

# In Tabular Form Sanskritization Westernization 1. Sanskritization process promoted the sacred outlook. 1. Westernization process promoted secular outlook. 2. It is a process of upward mobility by a process of imitation. 2. It is a process of upward mobility by a process of development. 3. It implies mobility within the framework of caste. 3. It implies mobility outside the framework of caste. 4. It puts a taboo on meat-eating and consumption of alcohol. 4. It promoted meat-eating and consumption of alcohol. 5. It is an indigenous or internal process that explains the internal changes taking place in India's traditional social structure. 5. It is a foreign process and it is related to these external influences that have brought many changes in our society. 6. It has always existed in one form or the other in Indian history. 6. The process of westernization started from the time of British rule and grew more rapidly after i

Westernization- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Impacts of westernization on Indian society

  # Meaning of Westernization The term ‘westernization’ was coined by M.N. Srinivas to signify the changes in the Indian society during the British rule. By promoting education, egalitarianism, rationalism, humanism and above all a critical outlook towards various social issues and problems, westernization has gone long way in undermining the influence of the caste system. Westernization is a process whereby societies come under or adopt Western culture in areas such as industry, technology, law, politics, economics, lifestyle, diet, languages, alphabet, religion, philosophy and values.  Westernization means incorporation of the norms, values and cultures of the West in one’s own culture. India came under the influence of Westernization during the British rule. # Definition of Westernization According to M.N. Srinivas :- “Westernization refers to the changes brought about in the Indian society and culture as a result of over 150 years of British rule and the term subsumes changes occu