Difference between caste and class

Difference between caste and class

# In Tabular form

Caste Class
Membership of caste is based on birth. Membership of class is based on birth, education, wealth, type of occupation, etc.
The caste system is based more on birth or hereditary relations. Class is more based on achievement than birth.
The number of caste comparatively higher. Class has sub-classes such as upper, middle and lower.
Status in caste system is inborn and ascribed.Status in the class system is acquired and achieved.
Caste is a close stratification meaning that a person cannot rise above his caste. Class is an open stratification meaning that a person can change his class.
Even, Sanskritization is unable to change caste. The class can be changed quite easily.
Caste system does hinder democracy. Class system does not hinder democracy.
Caste system has comparatively more social distance. Class system has comparatively less social distance.
In caste system, they are comparatively more strict restrictions in marriage etc. In class system, an individual has comparatively greater freedom.
There is no need for any subjective consciousness in members of caste. The members of a class are class conscious.
Caste system expects the members to follow certain customs, folkways, rituals, etc. Social class has no prescribed customs, folkways, rituals, etc.

# In Text form

1. Membership of caste is based on birth. On the other hand, membership of class is based on birth, education, wealth, type of occupation, etc.

2. The caste system is based more on birth or hereditary relations. While, class is more based on achievement than birth.

3. The number of caste comparatively higher. On the other hand, class has sub-classes such as upper, middle and lower.

4. Status in caste system is inborn and ascribed. On the other hand, status in the class system is acquired and achieved.

5. Caste is a close stratification meaning that a person cannot rise above his caste. While, class is an open stratification meaning that a person can change his class.

6. Even, Sanskritization is unable to change caste. While, the class can be changed quite easily.

7. Caste system does hinder democracy. On the other hand, class system does not hinder democracy.

8. Caste system has comparatively more social distance. While, class system has comparatively less social distance.

9. In caste system, they are comparatively more strict restrictions in marriage etc. While, in class system, an individual has comparatively greater freedom.

10. There is no need for any subjective consciousness in members of caste. On the other hand, the members of a class are class conscious.

11. Caste system expects the members to follow certain customs, folkways, rituals, etc. On the other hand, social class has no prescribed customs, folkways, rituals, etc.

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