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MSU BALLB Question Papers Download PDF

MAA SHAKUMBHARI UNIVERSITY, SAHARANPUR, UTTAR PRADESH   It is not an official website. It is intended to provide previous year question papers (PYQ) of Maa Shakumbhari University to the students. PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTION PAPERS (PYQ)   SELECT COURSE     B.A.LLB.                                B.Com.LL.B. LL.B.                                                   LL.M. SELECT SEMESTER (B.A.LL.B. SELECTED) SEMESTER 1                          SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3                            SEMESTER 4 SEMESTER 5                           SEMESTER 6 SEMESTER 7                           SEMESTER 8   SEMESTER 9                         SEMESTER 10

MSU LLM Question Papers Download PDF

MAA SHAKUMBHARI UNIVERSITY, SAHARANPUR, UTTAR PRADESH   It is not an official website. It is intended to provide previous year question papers (PYQ) of Maa Shakumbhari University to the students. PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTION PAPERS (PYQ) SELECT COURSE     B.A.LL.B.                           B.Com.LL.B. LL.B.                                    LL.M. SELECT SEMESTER (LL.M. SELECTED) SEMESTER 1                       SEMESTER 2           SEMESTER 3                           SEMESTER 4          

MSU BComLLB Question Papers Download PDF

MAA SHAKUMBHARI UNIVERSITY, SAHARANPUR, UTTAR PRADESH   It is not an official website. It is intended to provide previous year question papers (PYQ) of Maa Shakumbhari University to the students. PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTION PAPERS (PYQ) SELECT COURSE      B.A.LL.B.                                   B.Com.LL.B. LL.B.                                              LL.M. SELECT SEMESTER (B.Com.LL.B. Selected) SEMESTER 1                       SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3                          SEMESTER 4 SEMESTER 5                           SEMESTER 6 SEMESTER 7                           SEMESTER 8   SEMESTER 9                           SEMESTER 10

MSU LLB Question Papers Download PDF

MAA SHAKUMBHARI UNIVERSITY, SAHARANPUR, UTTAR PRADESH   It is not an official website. It is intended to provide previous year question papers (PYQ) of Maa Shakumbhari University to the students. PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTION PAPERS (PYQ) SELECT COURSE    B.A.LL.B.                          B.Com.LL.B. LL.B.                                   LL.M. SELECT SEMESTER (LL.B. SELECTED) SEMESTER 1                           SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3                           SEMESTER 4 SEMESTER 5                           SEMESTER 6

Evolution of legal system in India

⇒ Indian law is a unique blend of English, Hindu, Islamic and other influences upon a culture which has a long history of 3000 years. ⇒ Indian legal system history can be divided into approximately four periods: (1)     Ancient Period The Indian subcontinent is the cradle of one of the world’s oldest civilizations- the Indus civilization or Harappa Culture which flourished from 2700 to 1500 B.C. In the succeeding centuries, roughly between 1500 to 500 B.C. the Harappa culture declined and during this period Aryans invaded the subcontinent from Central Asia. When the Aryans settled in India, they themselves formed into three classes- the priest, the common people and the Warriors. The Dasas or indigenous people are considered inferior and treated by Aryans as slaves. This distinction involved into the caste groupings which are found in India today. Sanskrit, the language of Aryan invaders became the language of the educated upper castes. From about 500 B.C. till the Muslim invaded India

Significance of law Or Role of law in Indian society

1. Law serves as the standard for accepted behaviour in society. 2. Law provides access to justice in society. 3. Law provides a wide range of professional opportunities. 4. Law protects the most vulnerable in society. 5. Law protects basic human rights. 6. Laws are important for social progress in society. 7. Laws are important to maintain peace in society. 8. Law brings about socialization. 9. Modernization and societal progress are aided by the law

Difference between customs and law

# In Tabular form  Customs Law Custom is a group of procedures that has gradually emerged, without express enactment, without any constituted authority to declare it; to apply it and to safeguard it. Law is explicitly and deliberately made by definite power of the state. Custom does not need any special agency for its application; it is enforced by spontaneous social action. Law is applied by a special agency and is sanctioned by organized coercive authority. No physical penalty visits a violator of custom. Punishment is meted out to one who violates the law. Customs are not definite or clear. They are not codified in any single book so that it becomes difficult to know all the customs of the land. Law is a specific, definite and clear known to all. Customs cannot be readily changed. It is relatively fixed and permanent. Law can readily adjust itself to changing condition.  Customs fade and disappear without formal abolition and without recognition by any authority. Laws disappear on