Difference between customs and law

Difference between customs and law

# In Tabular form

Custom is a group of procedures that has gradually emerged, without express enactment, without any constituted authority to declare it; to apply it and to safeguard it.Law is explicitly and deliberately made by definite power of the state.
Custom does not need any special agency for its application; it is enforced by spontaneous social action.Law is applied by a special agency and is sanctioned by organized coercive authority.
No physical penalty visits a violator of custom.Punishment is meted out to one who violates the law.
Customs are not definite or clear. They are not codified in any single book so that it becomes difficult to know all the customs of the land.Law is a specific, definite and clear known to all.
Customs cannot be readily changed. It is relatively fixed and permanent.Law can readily adjust itself to changing condition. 
Customs fade and disappear without formal abolition and without recognition by any authority.Laws disappear only when abolished by a recognized authority.
The subject matter of custom is more ordinary and familiar.
Law generally deals with matters that are vital to the life of society.

In Text form

1. Custom is a group of procedures that has gradually emerged without express enactment and without any constituted authority to declare it; to apply it and to safeguard it. While law is explicitly and deliberately made by definite power of the state.

2. Custom does not need any special agency for its application; it is enforced by spontaneous social action. On the other hand, law is applied by a special agency and is sanctioned by organized coercive authority.

3. No physical penalty visits a violator of custom. While punishment is meted out to one who violates the law.

4. Customs are not definite or clear. They are not codified in any single book so that it becomes difficult to know all the customs of the land. While law is a specific, definite and clear known to all.

5. Customs cannot be readily changed. It is relatively fixed and permanent. On the other hand, law can readily adjust itself to changing condition.

6. Customs fade and disappear without formal abolition and without recognition by any authority. On the other hand, laws disappear only when abolished by a recognized authority.

7. The subject matter of custom is more ordinary and familiar. On the other hand, law generally deals with matters that are vital to the life of society.

Read about Customs 

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