Difference between Sanskritization and Westernization

Difference between Sanskritization and Westernization

# In Tabular Form

Sanskritization Westernization
1. Sanskritization process promoted the sacred outlook. 1. Westernization process promoted secular outlook.
2. It is a process of upward mobility by a process of imitation. 2. It is a process of upward mobility by a process of development.
3. It implies mobility within the framework of caste. 3. It implies mobility outside the framework of caste.
4. It puts a taboo on meat-eating and consumption of alcohol. 4. It promoted meat-eating and consumption of alcohol.
5. It is an indigenous or internal process that explains the internal changes taking place in India's traditional social structure. 5. It is a foreign process and it is related to these external influences that have brought many changes in our society.
6. It has always existed in one form or the other in Indian history. 6. The process of westernization started from the time of British rule and grew more rapidly after independence.

# In Text Form

1. Sanskritization process promoted the sacred outlook. On the Other hand, Westernization process promoted secular outlook.

2. Sanskritization is a process of upward mobility by a process of imitation. While, westernization is a process of upward mobility by a process of development.

3. Sanskritization implies mobility within the framework of caste. While, westernization implies mobility outside the framework of caste.

4. Sanskritization puts a taboo on meat-eating and consumption of alcohol. While, westernization promoted meat-eating and consumption of alcohol.

5. Sanskritization is an indigenous or internal process that explains the internal changes taking place in India’s traditional social structure. On the other hand, westernization is a foreign process and it is related to these external influences that have brought many changes in our society.

6. Sanskritization has always existed in one form or the other in Indian history. On the other hand, the process of westernization started from the time of British rule and grew more rapidly after independence.


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