Jajmani System- Meaning, Definition, Advantages and Disadvantages

Jajmani System

# Meaning of Jajmani System

Etymologically, the term ‘Jajman’ has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yajman’ which means a person who performs a ‘Yajna’, and for the purpose of performance of Yajna one has to hire the services of a Brahmin. Gradually, this word came to be applied to everyone who hired services or to whom the services were given.

Jajmani system is considered as the backbone of rural economy and social order. It is a system of traditional occupational obligations. In rural India, Jajmani system is very much linked with caste system. It has become a part and parcel of social and economic system.

It could be said that the Jajmani system is a system of distribution whereby high caste land owning families are provided services and products of various lower caste such as Khati (carpenter), Nai (barber), Kumhars (potters), Lobars (blacksmiths), Dhobi (washer man), Chuhra (sweeper) etc. The servicing castes are called Kamins which means who works for somebody or services him, while the castes served are called Jajmans. For services rendered the servicing castes are paid in cash or in kind (grains, fodder, clothes, animal products like milk, butter, etc.)

In Jajmani system, at the center is the family of Agriculturalist, the zamindrs. They receive services from the families of occupational castes. One who receives services is known as Jajman, the patron. The families that provide services are known as Kamin or Kamgar. So Jajmani system can be defined as a patron-client relationship.

The first detail study of Jajmani tradition in India was made by William H. Wiser in his book ‘The Indian Jajmani system’.

# Definition of Jajmani System

1. According to Yogindra Singh:- “Jajmani system as a system governed by relationship based on reciprocity in inter-caste relations in villages.”

2. According to Ishwaran:- “It is a system in which each caste has a role to play in a community life as a whole. This role consists of economic, social and moral functions.”

3. According to Webster’s Dictionary:- “Jajman is a person by whom a Brahmin is hired to perform religious services, hence a patron, a client.”

4. According to N.S. Reddy:- “The service relations which are governed by a hereditary tenure are called Jajman-Praja relations.”

5. According to William H. Wiser:- “Jajmani system serves to maintain the Indian village as a self-sufficient community.”

Advantage of Jajmani System

1. Security of occupation:- Security of occupation is guaranteed in case of Jajmani system. Since the system is hereditary, the kamin is assured of his occupation. He knows that if he breaks his family occupation he shall not be able to earn his livelihood.

2. Economic security:- It provides economic security to kamins as the jajman looks after all of their needs. The kamins are assured of their economic security. In every monetary crisis the jajman helps the kamins. They extend all possible help to the kamins. So, there is economic security in the Jajmani system.

3. Close and intimate relationship:- There is a close and intimate relationship between the jajman and kamin. This relationship is not purely economic but it is a sentimental and internal. A spirit of fellow feeling and brotherhood develops under this system. Both jajman and kamin know full well each other’s limitations as well as plus points.

4. Peaceful living:- The cut throat competition for work or employment is almost absent in jajmani system. No jajman goes without service nor any kamin goes without food. So this system creates an atmosphere of peaceful living by creating the spirit of fellow-feeling and co-operation.

5. Goods against services:- Under Jajmani system, instead of receiving cash payment against his services, the Kameen is paid in kind, that is he receives goods like wheat, rice, etc. the relationship between Jajman and Kameen is not purely economic but is a human relationship. Accordingly, Jajman takes full responsibility for the welfare of kameen and kameen serves Jajman with devorion and dedication, Jajman not only provides kameen with food but also gives him clothing and residential accommodation. The amount of foodgrain given to kameen depends upon the nature of services rendered.

Disadvantages of Jajmani System

1. Source of exploitation:- Jajmani system is exploitative. The agriculture castes, which are invariable upper castes, seek the services of the occupational castes, which generally lower castes. The exploitation of lower castes continues under the garb of paternal ties.

2. Feeling of superiority and inferiority:- In this system, the kamins are considered low whereas the jajmans are placed high. This has resulted in social inequality and feeling of superiority and inferiority in the minds of both Jajman and kamin. Because this system is based on heredity, the kamin cannot take other job or occupation and the advantages of latest scientific developments to improve his economic condition. This is a system which is based on the sense of high and low.

3. Impediment to occupational and social mobility:- Jajmani system has stood on the way of occupational mobility and resulted in lowering economic standard of the kamins. The system is hereditary, so there is no possibility of changing the occupation. In this way the system has checked social mobility. The conditions of the kamins remain miserable because of their economic weaknesses.

4. Supported by caste system:- Caste system is the basis of jajmani system. So this system suffers from all the evils of the caste system. This system leads to widespread discrimination. There is exploitation and coercion.

5. Effect of transport and communication:- Due to rapid expansion of transport and communication, this system is in a decline. Because it has been easy for the kamins to seek job or other occupation outside their village. Now the kamins are no longer compared to do the job of jajmans.

6. Impact of social reform movement:- Due to the impact of social reform movements, the suppressed castes get benefits. They try to rise up in the social ladder. Various religious reform movements, like Arya Samaj have produced one of the greatest setbacks to the jajmani system.

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