Social Control- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics, Types and Agencies

Social Control

# Meaning of Social Control

The term social control refers to the process of maintaining social order and stability.

Social control is a concept referring to rules and restrictions that shape, supervise and regulate the behaviors of individuals and societies.

Social control is the control of society over the individual. 

For example, shaming individuals who have engaged in crime by exposing them through public media such as newspapers, suspending a worker who has not been as productive in their work.

# Definition of Social Control

1. According to Karl Mannheim:- “Social control is the sum of those methods by which a society tries to influence human behavior to maintain a given order.”

2. According to Ogburn and Nimkoff:- “Social control refers to the patterns of pressure which society exert to maintain order and established rules.”

3. According to MacIver:- “By social order is meant the way in which the entire social order coheres and maintains itself, how it operates as a whole, as a changing equilibrium.”

4. According to Ross:- “Social control refers to the system of devices whereby society brings its members into conformity with the accepted standard of behavior.”

# Characteristics of Social Control

1. Control over individuals:- Social control is the control of society over individuals.

2. Influenced by various ways:- Social control denotes some kind of influence. This influence may be exercised in various ways by means of Public opinion, coercion, religion, leadership, etc.

3. Control is essential in the society:- The influence of social control is essentially exerted by the society or community.

4. Promoting the welfare:- The influence of social control is exercised for promoting the welfare of all the individuals or the group as a whole.

5. Essential condition:- Social control is as old as human society. It is an essential condition of the human society.

6. Social control is universal:- The influence of social control is universal. Where there is society, there is social control.

7. Control by formal and informal agencies:- Social control is exercised through both formal and informal agencies.

# Types of Social Control OR Forms of Social Control

Every society exercises control over its members in order to maintain the social order. However, forms of social control are not uniform in all the societies due to inherent differences in their cultural background, in the nature of personal relations, social relations and social conditions. Based on the classification given by various authors, following forms of social control can be described.

· Forms of social control as given by Karl Mannheim

1. Direct social control:- This type of social control which directly regulates and controls the behavior of individual is called direct social control. This type of control is to be found in family, neighborhood, play-groups and other types of primary groups. For example, parents and teachers etc., keep control the behavior of the students or individuals.

2. Indirect social control:- These type of social control in which distant factors keep control over the behavior of the individual. This type of control is exercised by secondary groups through customs and traditions etc. For example, remove footwear when enter into temple or church.

· Forms of social control as given by Kimball Young

1. Positive social control:- In this type of social control positive steps such as reward, the policy of appreciation etc., are used for keeping the person under control. As a result of these steps, man tries to behave in the best possible manner in the society.

2. Negative social control:- This is just reverse of the positive form of social control. In this form of social control is achieved by the punishment. The individual on the fear of punishment and derecognition by the society is made to behave in conformity with the values of the society.

· General views about forms of social control

1. Formal social control:- This type of social control is exercised by known and deliberate agencies of social control such as law, punishment, army, constitution, etc. Man is forced to accept these forms of social control. Generally, these forms are exercised by secondary groups. For example, Traffic rules.

2. Informal social control:- These agencies of social control have grown according to the needs of the society. Folkways, mores, customs, social norms, etc. fall under this category of social control. Generally, primary institutions exercise this type of social control.

# Agencies of Social Control

Agencies are the instruments by which social control is exercised. Agency refers to those groups, organization and authorities that are responsible for implementing social control in an effective manner. Agencies use both the means- formal as well as informal. Agencies have power to reward or punish the individuals.

1. Family:- Family is a very important instrument agency of social control. Family prescribes rules and regulations over the members and members have to follow. These rules and regulations form a part of social control.

2. Education:- Education is a great vehicle of social control. Education inculcates moral, intellectual and social values in individuals. It imparts a sense of continuity.

3. Legal system:- Legal system includes law, legislations, rules and regulations which is established by the government and it is a powerful means of social control. All should obey the law. If we violate the law then we will punish according to the law.

4. Religion:- Religion is powerful agency of social control. Members of the religion follow the certain rules and regulations of particular religion.

5. Customs:- Customs are established and accepted forms of human practices. It is controlling the nature and regulates the human behavior.

6. Norms:- Norms are standard behavior followed by the group members based on validity of perceptions. Norms bring the control and cooperation among the members.

7. Folkways:- Folkways are laws of behavior in society. Activity which violates them is not punishable but other people in the society look upon such behavior as degenerate and ridicule it. The fear of social ridicule acts as a large measure of control in the conduct of an individual.

8. Fashion:- Fashion is the form of style and survive only for the short time. The style adapted by the group of people becomes fashion. It is constantly changing and influencing the individual.

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