Anti-social Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

Antisocial Groups

# Meaning of Anti-social Groups

An anti-social group refers to a group of individuals who reject or oppose the conventional social norms, values, and expectations of society. They may engage in behaviors or activities that are considered harmful, disruptive, or illegal by mainstream society. 

For example, terrorist groups, criminals, thieves, murderers, anti-government or anarchist group and so on are the instances of anti-social groups.

# Definition of Anti-social Groups

1. According to Emile Durkheim:- "A group that rejects and undermines social norms, values, and institutions, often characterized by anomie and disintegration."

2. According to Max Weber:- "A group that actively opposes and challenges social order, often driven by charismatic leadership and ideological conviction."

3. According to George Herbert Mead:- "A group that develops a shared identity and collective behavior that is in opposition to societal norms and expectations."

According to Talcott Parsons:- "A group that fails to internalize societal norms and values, often leading to deviance and social disorganization."

5. According to Robert K. Merton:- "A group that rejects societal goals and means, often adopting innovative, ritualistic, or rebellious behavior."

Characteristics of Anti-social Groups

1. Rejection of social norms:- Anti-social groups reject conventional social norms, values, and expectations.

2. Opposition to authority:- They oppose authority, institutions, and established power structures.

3. Engagement in illegal activities:- Anti-social groups often engage in illegal or harmful activities, such as crime, violence, or substance abuse.

4. Focus on individualism:- Anti-social groups prioritize individual interests or group goals over collective well-being or social responsibility.

5. Promotion of alternative lifestyles:- Anti-social groups often promote alternative or countercultural lifestyles that reject mainstream values.

6. Use of violence or intimidation:- They may use violence, intimidation, or manipulation to achieve their goals or control others.

7. Lack of empathy:- Members may exhibit a lack of empathy or impulse control, leading to harmful behavior towards others.

8. Secretive or exclusive nature:- Anti-social groups may be secretive or exclusive, with members hiding their activities or identities from others.

9. Charismatic leadership:- Some anti-social groups may have charismatic leaders who attract and influence followers. 

10. Rejection of social responsibility:- Anti-social groups reject social responsibility and accountability for their actions.

# Importance of Anti-social Groups

1. Anti-social groups challenge existing power structures and promote social change.

2. Anti-social groups provide a platform for marginalized voices and perspectives.

3. Anti-social groups foster critical thinking and questioning of authority.

4. Anti-social groups enable individuals to express dissent and nonconformity.

5. Anti-social groups promote autonomy and self-governance.

6. Anti-social groups support creative rebellion and artistic expression.

7. Anti-social groups facilitate community building among like-minded individuals.

8. Anti-social groups encourage direct action and activism.

9. Anti-social groups contribute to social and political reform. 

10. Anti-social groups preserve individual freedom and nonconformity in the face of societal pressure.

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