Community- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Types


# Meaning of Community

The term community is derived from two Latin words ‘com’ means ‘together’ and ‘munis’ means ‘serve’. Thus, community means serve together.

Community is a group of individuals or collection of individuals who come together for serving together.

A community is a group of people who share common interests, goals and values and who interact with each other in meaningful ways.

Community therefore includes:

(a) Common area

(b) Common interests

(c) Common independent life

(d) Sense of ‘we feeling’

# Definition of Community 

1. According to Bogardus:- “Community is a social group with some degree of we feeling and living in given area.”

2. According to Kingsley Davis:- “Community is the smallest territorial group that cam embrace all aspect of social life.”

3. According to Osburn:- “Community is a group of people living in continuous geographic area, having centre of interest and activities and functioning together in the chief concern o life.”

4. According to MacIver:- “Community is an area of social living marked by some degree of social coherence.”

5. According to George Lundberg:- “Community is a human population living within a limited geographical area and carrying on a common interdependent life.”

6. According to Oxford Dictionary:- “A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristics in common.”

# Characteristics of Community

1. A definite locality:- Community is a territorial group. A group of people form a community only when they reside in a definite territory. The territory need not be fixed forever.

2. Collective identity:- A sense of "us" and "our community".

3. Shared common values and norms:- Community shares common beliefs, customs, and expectations.

4. Community Sentiment:- Community sentiment refers to a strong sense of awe feeling among the members or a feeling of belongingness. Without community sentiment, a community can’t be formed only with a group of people and a definite locality.

5. Permanent nature:- Community is always a permanent group. It refers to a permanent living of individuals within a definite territory. It is not temporary like that of a crowd or association.

6. No legal status:- Community has no legal status because it has not a legal person. It has no right and duties in the eyes of law. It is not created by the law of the land.

7. Concrete nature:- Community is concrete in nature. As it refers to a group of people living in a particular locality, we can see its existence. Hence, it is concrete.

8. Shared responsibility:- Members share responsibilities and work together to achieve common goals.

9. Mutual support and aid:- Members provide assistance and support to each other.

10. Naturally organized:- Communities are naturally organized. It is neither a product of human will or nor created by an act of government. It grows spontaneously. Individuals became the member by birth.

# Types of Community 

There are mainly two types of communities:-

1. Rural Community:- A rural community is a group of people living in a rural area, often in a small town, village, or countryside, who share common interests, values and experiences. It is characterized by a small population size, rural communities have a strong community sentiments and mutual support, where neighbours know and rely on each other. The economy is often based on natural resources, such as agricultural, mining, or forestry, and while amenities and services may be limited. 

2. Urban Community:- A urban community is a group of people living in a city or town who share common interests, values and experiences. It is characterized by a large population size and a fast-paced environment. The economy is typically driven by industry, commerce, and services, and residents have access to a wide range of amenities, services, and opportunities.

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