In Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

In Groups


A group to which we directly belong is called an in-group.

The members of an in-group have a sense of ‘we feeling’ and belongingness towards their in-group.

An in-group is a social group to which an individual feels a sense of belonging, identity, and loyalty. It is a group that an individual is a part of, and with which they share a common identity, interests, or goals. In-groups can be formal or informal, and can range in size from small to large. 

For example, it can be our family, tribe, friendship group, social clubs or organizations, religious or spiritual communities, cultural or ethnic groups, work teams or departments and online communities or forums are all instances of in-group.

# Definition of In Groups

1. According to William Graham Sumner:- "A group of people who feel a sense of unity and solidarity, and who distinguish themselves from others."

2. According to Charles Horton Cooley:- "A group in which one feels a sense of belonging, and with which one identifies oneself."

3. According to Muzafer Sherif:- "A group to which an individual belongs, and with which he feels a sense of identity, loyalty, and belonging."

4. According to George Herbert Mead:- "A group that is part of one's own social group, and with which one shares a common social identity."

5. According to Talcott Parsons:- “A groups that shares a common system of values, norms, and symbols, and which provides a sense of belonging and identity for its members.”

# Characteristics of In Groups

1. Sense of belonging:- Members feel a strong sense of connection and belonging to the group.

2. Shared identity:- Members share a common identity, interest, or goal that defines the group. 

3. Loyalty:- Members are loyal to the group and prioritize its needs and interests. 

4. Trust:- Members trust each other and feel secure in sharing personal information. 

5. Communication:- Members communicate regularly and openly with each other. 

6. Cooperation:- Members work together to achieve common goals. 

7. Support:- Members provide emotional, financial, or practical support to each other. 

8. Shared norms and values:- Members share common norms, values, and beliefs. 

9. In-group bias:- Members may exhibit a bias in favor of their own group, prioritizing its needs and interests over those of other groups. 

10. Exclusivity:- Members may feel that their group is exclusive or unique, and that others are not part of it.

#  Importance of In Groups

1. In-groups provide a sense of belonging and identity to individuals. 

2. In-groups offer emotional support and social cohesion to their members. 

3. In-groups shape individual attitudes, behaviors, and values through socialization. 

4. In-groups provide protection and defense against external threats or out-groups. 

5. In-groups confer status, prestige, and social standing on their members. 

6. In-groups facilitate cooperation, collaboration, and collective achievement. 

7. In-groups preserve cultural heritage, traditions, and practices. 

8. In-groups provide opportunities for personal growth, learning, and self-improvement. 9. In-groups help individuals develop social skills, norms, and values. 

10. In-groups influence individual behavior, decision-making, and worldview.

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