
Showing posts from August, 2023

Difference between caste and class

# In Tabular form Caste Class Membership of caste is based on birth. Membership of class is based on birth, education, wealth, type of occupation, etc. The caste system is based more on birth or hereditary relations. Class is more based on achievement than birth. The number of caste comparatively higher. Class has sub-classes such as upper, middle and lower. Status in caste system is inborn and ascribed. Status in the class system is acquired and achieved. Caste is a close stratification meaning that a person cannot rise above his caste. Class is an open stratification meaning that a person can change his class. Even, Sanskritization is unable to change caste. The class can be changed quite easily. Caste system does hinder democracy. Class system does not hinder democracy. Caste system has comparatively more social distance. Class system has comparatively less social distance.

Social Class- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Conclusion

# Meaning of Social Class Social class also known as class. Class is a large group of people who rank close to one another in terms of wealth, power and prestige. Class is a group of people within a society who possess the same social economic status. Class is a group of people of similar status, rank, common characteristics and similar levels of power and wealth. Status in class system is acquired and achieved. Karl Marx defined class on the basis of consciousness. # Definition of Social Class 1. According to Giddens : - “A class is a large scale grouping of people who share common economic resources, which is strongly influenced the type of lifestyle they are able to lead.” 2. According to Ginsberg :- “A class is a group of individuals who through common descent, the similarity of occupation, wealth and education have come to have a similar stock of ideas, feeling, attitudes and forms of behaviors.” 3. According to Karl Marx :- “A social class as all those people who share a common

Caste system in India- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics, Merits and Demerits

# Meaning of Caste The word caste derived from the Portuguese word 'Casta' which means 'species', 'race' or 'breed'. Caste is a system of social stratification. It involves ranking according to birth and determined one's occupation marriage and social relationships. There is a prescribed set of norms, values and sanction which govern social behavior within caste. Caste systems are separated group of people based on their ancestry. They often restrict people to certain professions or who they can marry based upon ancestral lines. In Bhagavad Geeta, it is clearly stated that castes shall be based on qualities and skills. However, in reality the castes are assigned according to birth. # Definition of Caste 1. According to Majumdar and Madan :- “Caste is a closed class.” 2. According to C.H. Cooley :- “When a class is somewhat strictly hereditary, we may call it a caste.” 3. According to Ketker :- “A caste is a group having two characteristics: (a) membe