
Involuntary Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

# Involuntary Groups An involuntary group is a type of social group where membership is not chosen by the individual, but rather is determined by circumstances beyond their control. In other words, individuals are assigned or placed into the group without their consent or choice.  For example, family is an involuntary group because an individual has no control over his birth- to be born or not born in a specific family. # Definition of Involuntary Groups 1.  According to Max Weber :- "A group that individuals are born into or forced to join, without choice or consent, often based on ascribed characteristics."  2.  According to George Herbert Mead :- "A group that individuals are involuntarily assigned to, often based on social categories or characteristics beyond their control."  3.   According to Herbert Blumer :- "A group that is formed and maintained through coercion, constraint, or circumstance, rather than voluntary participation." #   Characteris

Informal Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

# Informal Groups Informal group is a group which has no prescribed rules and regulations for joining the group, staying in the group and leaving the group. Any person can join the group, participate in it and leave it whenever they want. Informal groups are social groups that are characterized by a lack of formal structure, organization, and leadership. They are often formed spontaneously or naturally around shared interests, activities, or friendships.    For example, a group of students sitting in the playground and gossiping with one another, people gathered to see a Joker in a public place, informal clubs and associations are the instances of informal groups. # Definition of Formal Groups 1.  According to George Herbert Mead :- "A group that emerges spontaneously, without deliberate planning, based on shared experiences, interests, or social interactions." 2.  According to Charles Horton Cooley :- "A group that forms naturally, without formal organization, around

Formal Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

# Formal Groups Formal group is a group that has well defined rules and regulation for joining the group, staying in the group and leaving the group. Those who fulfill these rules and regulation can join and engage in the activities of the group. The membership can be canceled if a member violates these rules. A formal group is a type of social group that is characterized by a structured and organized framework, with clear boundaries, roles, and responsibilities. Formal groups are often established for a specific purpose, such as a workplace team, a social club, or a community organization.  F or example, organization, banks, hospitals, educational institutions, official association and so on are the instances of formal groups. # Definition of Formal Groups 1.  According to Max Weber :- "A group that is characterized by a rational and impersonal organization, with a clear hierarchy and division of labor." 2.  According to Emile Durkheim :- "A group that is formed an

Out Group- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

# Out-Groups A group to which we do not belong is called an out-group. There is a sense of ‘they feeling’ in relation to an out-group. An out-group is a social group to which an individual does not belong or identify with. It is a group that is perceived as different, distant, or separate from one's own in-group (the group to which one belongs). Out-groups can be formal or informal, and can range in size from small to large.   For example, a different ethnicity, race, or religion, a rival sports team or political party, a different socioeconomic class or education level, a different age group or generation and a different cultural or linguistic background are all instances of out-group. # Definition of Out Groups 1.  According to William Graham Sumner :- "A group of people who are viewed as different, distant, and often as a threat to the in-group's interests and values." 2.  According to Charles Horton Cooley :- "A group to which one does not belong, and with

In Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Importance

#  In-Groups A group to which we directly belong is called an in-group. The members of an in-group have a sense of ‘we feeling’ and belongingness towards their in-group. An in-group is a social group to which an individual feels a sense of belonging, identity, and loyalty. It is a group that an individual is a part of, and with which they share a common identity, interests, or goals. In-groups can be formal or informal, and can range in size from small to large.   For example, it can be our family, tribe, friendship group, social clubs or organizations, religious or spiritual communities, cultural or ethnic groups, work teams or departments and online communities or forums are all instances of in-group. # Definition of In Groups 1.  According to William Graham Sumner :- "A group of people who feel a sense of unity and solidarity, and who distinguish themselves from others." 2.  According to Charles Horton Cooley :- "A group in which one feels a sense of belonging, an

Social Groups- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Types

# Meaning of Social Groups A social group consists of two or more people who regularly interact based on mutual expectations and share a common identity. A social group may be defined as an aggregate of people who are interrelated and share a common identity, a sense of unity, and certain goals. For example:- A family living in a home, a group of employees working in the same organization, a group of classmates, a group of members of a meeting and so on. # Definition of Social Groups 1.  According to Johnson :- “A social group is a system of social interaction.” 2.  According to Ogburn and Nimkoff :- “Whenever two or more individuals come together and influence one another, they may be said to be constitute a social group.” 3.  According to MacIver :- “Any collection of social beings who enter into distinctive social relationships with one another.” 4.  According to Bogardus :- “Social group as number of persons, two or more, who have common objects of attention, who are stimulating t

Association- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics

# Meaning of Association An association can be called a group of people who come together to achieve a particular purpose or goal, and that too for a limited period of time. For example:- Family, church, trade union, music club, etc. # Definition of Association 1.  According to Bogardus :- “Association is usually working together of people to achieve some purposes.” 2.   According to MacIver :- “An association is an organization deliberately formed for the collective pursuit of some interest which its members share.” 3.  According to Gisbert :- “Association is a group of people united for a specific purpose or limited number of purposes.” 4.  According to Gillin : - “Association is a group of individuals united for a specific purpose or purposes and held together by recognized or sanctioned modes of procedure or behaviours.” 5.  According to Ginsberg :- “An association is a group of social beings related to one another by the fact that they possess or have instituted in common an organ