
Showing posts with the label BALLB-2nd Sem Sociology

Sanskritization- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Effects

# Meaning of Sanskritization The term Sanskritization was first introduced by M.N. Srinivas the famous Indian sociologist in his book “Religion and Society among the Coorgs of Southern India” to describe the culture mobility in the traditional caste structure of Indian society. In his study of the Coorgs in Karnataka region, he found that the lower castes have adapted the customs and values of the Brahmins in order to improve their position in the caste hierarchy. There are three basic elements in Sanskritization. They are: (a) Imitation :- The lower caste imitate the customs, value and behaviour patterns of the upper castes. (b) Closeness :- The lower caste through Sanskritization come nearer to the upper castes. There is much change in social relations among various castes. (c) Social mobilities :- Generally, Sanskritization helps the lower castes to move up in the social ladder. They share the status of the upper castes. # Definition of Sanskritization According to Srinivas :-

Social Changes in India

# Social Changes in India 1.  Social changes (a)  Change in family structure :- The impact of modern social forces is evident in the change of family structure. Basically join family system is prevalent in India in which the head of the family exercised absolute power over its members. He distributes work among family members. But due to modern forces, join family system is disintegrating. Now there is a trend towards the development of nuclear family. (b)  Changes in caste system :- Impact of modern forces is also evident in the institution of caste. Modern means of communication, growth of competitive economy and expansion of western education have shattered the traditional structure of caste. Thus, there is a transformation of rigid caste into modern mobile classes, certain caste have attained the privileges of upper classes while certain castes are losing their previous status. (c)  Changes in the stratification :-  The original stratification of Indian society is based on the c

Social Change- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics, Types and Factors

# Meaning of Social Change The term social change refers to changes taking place in human society. Social change is nothing but a change in social relationship. Society is a web of social relationships. Hence social change is a change in social relationships. Social change can be observed in every society. For example- Abolition of child marriage, inter-caste marriage, high status to Indian women, etc. # Definition of Social Change 1. According to Majumdar :- “Social change may be defined as a new fashion or mode, either modifying or replacing the old, in the life of a people or in the operation of a society.” 2.  According to Jones :- “Social change is a term used to describe variations in or modifications of any aspect of social processes, social patterns, social interaction or social organization.” 3.  According to Jenson :- “Social change may be defined as modification in ways of doing and thinking to people.” 4.  According to Alvin Toffler :- “Change is the process through which f

Difference between Occupation and Profession

# I n Text form 1. An activity performed by a person normally for monetary compensation is known as the Occupation. On the other hand, p rofession refers to vocation, in which high degree of education or skills is required. 2. The nature of occupation is neutral and generic. W hile, the nature of profession is an intellectual pursuit. 3. Occupation has not a code of conduct. While, t he profession has a code of conduct. 4. Occupation does not require any sort of training in a particular field. While, p rofession requires specialization in a specific area, and that is why training is a must. 5. Occupation is not regulated by a particular body. On the other hand, i n general, the profession is regulated by a particular or professional body statute. 6. A person doing occupation get paid for what he produces. While, a  profession gets paid according to his knowledge and expertise. 7. There is a lack of independence in the occupation because the person performing the occupation has to follo

Jajmani System- Meaning, Definition, Advantages and Disadvantages

# Meaning of Jajmani System Etymologically, the term ‘Jajman’ has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yajman’ which means a person who performs a ‘Yajna’, and for the purpose of performance of Yajna one has to hire the services of a Brahmin. Gradually, this word came to be applied to everyone who hired services or to whom the services were given. Jajmani system is considered as the backbone of rural economy and social order. It is a system of traditional occupational obligations. In rural India, Jajmani system is very much linked with caste system. It has become a part and parcel of social and economic system. It could be said that the Jajmani system is a system of distribution whereby high caste land owning families are provided services and products of various lower caste such as Khati (carpenter), Nai (barber), Kumhars (potters), Lobars (blacksmiths), Dhobi (washer man), Chuhra (sweeper) etc. The servicing castes are called Kamins which means who works for somebody or services him,

Division of labour- Meaning, Definition, Forms, Merits and Demerits

# Meaning of Division of Labour Emile Durkheim was the first to propound the theory that division of labour in his book ‘Division of Labour in Society’. The Division of Labor in Society, Durkheim discusses how the division of labor is beneficial for society because it increases the productive capacity, the skill of the workman, and it creates a feeling of solidarity between people. Durkheim demonstrated his method of analysis to explain the evolution of society from the primitive to the modern. He classified a society by the nature of social solidarity which existed in that society. He argued that while a primitive society was organised according to Mechanical solidarity and modern society was based on Organic solidarity. Every society, primitive and modern has the institution of division of labour. The division of labour is a system of distribution of work among the people according to their skill and competence. When the manufacturing process of an article is spilt up into several p

Similarities Between Occupation and Profession

# Similarities between Occupation and Profession 1. Both occupations and professions involve individuals engaging in work activities to earn a living. 2. Both occupation and professions contribute to individuals' financial well-being and livelihood. 3. Both occupations and professions offer opportunities for individuals to apply their skills, knowledge, and expertise. 4. Both can provide avenues for career growth, skill development, and learning. 5. Both occupations and professions contribute to societal needs and serve various sectors and industries. 6. They both require individuals to demonstrate professionalism, responsibility, and accountability in their work. 7. Both occupations and professions can involve interactions with clients, customers, or stakeholders. 8. Both occupation and profession can provide individuals with a sense of purpose, identity, and fulfillment in their work. 9. Both occupations and professions can require individuals to adhere to certain standards, regu

Profession- Meaning, Advantages, Disadvantages, Meaning of Legal Profession and Development of legal profession in India

# Meaning of Profession Profession is an activity that requires specialized training, knowledge, qualification and skills. It implies membership of a professional body and certificate of practice. The individuals who undertake professions of rendering personalized services are called professionals who are guided by a certain code of conduct set up by the respective body. A profession is an occupation for which a person has to undergo specialized training or internship for getting a high degree of education and expertise in the concerned area. The main objective of the profession is to render services to those who need them. For example; doctors, engineers, lawyers, chartered accountant, etc. #  Advantages of Profession 1. Professions offer opportunities for individuals to specialize in a specific field or area of expertise. 2. They provide higher income potential and greater financial rewards compared to many occupations. 3. Professions often have well-defined

Occupation- Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages

#   Occupation Occupation is an activity undertaken by the person to earn his livelihood. It can be business profession or employment that a person undertakes to make money. When a professional is paid for his skill or talent, it is known as occupation. In other words, an activity performed by a person normally for monetary compensation is known as the Occupation. Occupation refers to the kind of economic activity endeavored by a person regularly for earning money. When someone engages or occupies himself most of the time in any economic activity that activity is known as their occupation. An occupation does not necessarily require specialized schooling in a particular stream. Physical or mental both kinds of job are included in an occupation. For example; drivers, shopkeepers, a government servant, clerks, accountants, etc . # Advantages of occupation 1. Occupations provide individuals with a means of earning a living and meeting their financial needs. 2.They offer a

Social Control- Meaning, Definition, Characteristics, Types and Agencies

# Meaning of Social Control The term social control refers to the process of maintaining social order and stability. Social control is a concept referring to rules and restrictions that shape, supervise and regulate the behaviors of individuals and societies. Social control is the control of society over the individual.   For example, shaming individuals who have engaged in crime by exposing them through public media such as newspapers, suspending a worker who has not been as productive in their work. # Definition of Social Control 1.  According to Karl Mannheim :- “Social control is the sum of those methods by which a society tries to influence human behavior to maintain a given order.” 2.  According to Ogburn and Nimkoff :- “Social control refers to the patterns of pressure which society exert to maintain order and established rules.” 3.  According to MacIver :- “By social order is meant the way in which the entire social order coheres and maintains itself, how it operates as a wh